If you have Linux hosting on webhostforasp.net, you can use email hosting with your domain.
Here's step by step to create email domain on your cPanel :
- Login to cPanel? (You can login through your client area or with URL (http://domain.com/cpanel)
Here's step by step to create email domain on your cPanel :
- Login to cPanel? (You can login through your client area or with URL (http://domain.com/cpanel)
- On "Email" menu click "Email Accounts" sub-menu
- Input your email name and choose domain name, input password (use complex password highly recommended), set email quota
- Click "Create Account" button
You can delete, change email quota, and change password your email too on this menu
- Input your email name and choose domain name, input password (use complex password highly recommended), set email quota
- Click "Create Account" button
You can delete, change email quota, and change password your email too on this menu