The vast majority of configuration issues are related to security and permissions.
Dev servers often operate a more relaxed security policy than staging or live servers and so this kind of problem often becomes apparent only during deployment.
Your first step should be to run ABCpdf interactively while logged on as Administrator. This will allow you to eliminate permissions as a source of the problems.
If you are running under ASP you can create a VBS script to mimic the effect of your ASP. Copy the following text into a text file and then rename it mytest.vbs. Double click to run.
Set d = CreateObject("ABCpdf5.Doc")
d.FontSize = 96
d.AddText "Hello World!"
d.Save "mydoc.pdf"
MsgBox "Finished"
If you are running under .NET you will need to create and compile a simple VB or C# application to perform the same type of operations.